Wednesday, August 21, 2013

"So What!!!"

I am linking up with Shannon for another "so what" Wednesday. Once again, I am only saying "so what" to one thing! This week, it's the RAIN! I AM OVER IT! It has rained soooo much this whole summer. When I was eleven, I moved out to Portland, Oregon with my mom from Columbia, South Carolina where I grew up. I made a lot of great friends but I knew that when I graduated high school, I would return to South Carolina and I did. One of the biggest reasons I left Portland was the dreary nasty weather. I am a sunshine girl! Well, this summer I have felt like I am back living in Portland. This has been the worst summer weatherwise I can remember from living in South Carolina. Not being able to go out for recess sucks. Especially the first two days of school. So yesterday even though the playground was soaking wet, I took my class outside and let them run around. So what.I am tired letting the rain ruin everything! Rain, rain please go away!


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