Wednesday, August 14, 2013

So What Wednesday

I am linking up with Shannon for another "So What Wednesday." Sorry for the late post but we had open house/meet the teacher today. Today I am just saying "so what" to one thing:

I drank one of these today. Honestly, I used to drink them all the time before we started trying to get pregnant. I don't care for coffee but call me crazy, I love the way energy drinks taste. I know they are bad for you. So what. This week Kennedy has been sleeping AWFUL! My husband and I are both teachers and we went back to work this week so I think it has to do with the transition of going back to daycare everyday. She woke up at 4:30 this morning and would not go back to sleep. Mommy had to meet and greet parents all day today. Our school does a "drop in" style open house/meet the teacher. It was a long day and I needed one of these. I don't plan on getting back in the habit of drinking them on a regular basis but I don't think I could have made it through the day without it!
What are you saying "so what" to this week???


ramsaygrace said...

I've never tried an energy drink if you can believe it. However, you're making me want to, since Lord knows I need some energy. :-) Stopping by from the link-up.

Carol said...

They give me a great boost but I know they aren't good for your heart if you drink them frequently. However I feel like every once in awhile when I reaaaalllly need one, it's okay! ;) Thanks for reading!

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