Wednesday, January 8, 2014

So What Wednesday!!!!

Linking up with Shannon today for another "So What Wednesday!" This week I am saying "so what if...."
1. I hate  cold weather and I hate snow. We do not have snow right now but it is super cold for South Carolina (12 degrees) so school has been on a 2 hr delay. I know that sounds silly but here in the south we aren't used to those kind of temperatures and our kids don't have the type of clothing to sit out at the bus stop in that kind of weather. A lot of people are saying "if it's going to be this cold, can it at least snow?" Ugh please no. When it snows in the south, everything shuts down. I hate being cooped up in the house. Plus our school district always makes us make up the days since we don't have built in snow days in our schedule. Even if the governor forgives the days!

2. I cheered for FSU in the championship game. I know, I am a traitor to the SEC but I am tired of seeing either Auburn or Alabama win every year. It was nice to see things shook up a bit. Congrats to all the FSU fans on a great win! I can't wait until this year when we will have a playoff system! Yay for Carolina finishing number 4!

3. The girl from my town on the Bachelor got eliminated on the first night. Oh well, I don't think Juan Pablo would fit in North Augusta, SC very well anyway.

4. I have my DVR set for Real World: Explosion tonight. Looks super trashy and I am not sure I like how they are changing it up with 14 people instead of 7 strangers but willing to give it a try. I do love some reality tv drama!

That's all I got folks! Go link up with Shannon and tell us what you are saying "so what" to this week! Happy Humpday! :)


Royal @ Royal Proclaims said...

Oh, and water pipes in the South are not built to withstand these temps either! I have been worried sick that we'll have a busted pipe with all of these low temps! I know a few friends who had that happen yesterday! Eek!

So, dripping faucets for me until tomorrow! I think it's supposed to get up to 40 degrees here today! I'm breaking out my bikini! (kidding)

Dawn said...

I am SO over this weather!! Is it summer yet? ;) My birthday is in January and the weather somehow always puts a damper- like last year, all I wanted was to get my hair cut and go to Target by myself...but no, it had to snow or freeze rain, something like that! ;)
I was sad to see the girl from North Augusta go. Any favorites so far?

Carroll said...

So glad you are getting a delay in the mornings! Hopefully it will warm up soon. :)

Unknown said...

So glad you cheered for FSU!!! I am alum and so happy they won! Great start to the new year!

Kaitlin Harrison said...

We are over the cold here too! So cold it hurts. Super cool someone from your hometown was on bachelor! We had a girl from my town on American Idol once and our whole town pretty much shut down to watch :)

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