Saturday, January 18, 2014

Busy, busy, busy!

I hardly ever miss "5 on Friday" but this week was one of the busiest weeks we have had in a long time! Sadly, my friend Brittney's mother Joyce had a brain anuerysm and is in the hospital. They did a surgery to stop bleeding on her brain. She is still sedated and it sounds like it will be a long road ahead but we are so thankful that she is alive! Brittney is one of the directors at our local Boys and Girls Club and she travels a lot for work. She was out of town this week and her youngest son Ryan goes to the same daycare as Kennedy. I picked Ryan up this week and kept him until Brittney's husband Anthony got off work. It was an interesting experience having two kids in the house! ;) I don't think I am ready for a 2nd one quite yet!
Here's what else has been going on this week:
We had Science Fest at school Thursday night. There were some people that came with a baby alligator and a snake. Kennedy had no fear about touching the baby alligator! At one point, she started poking his belly with her finger and Momma got a little freaked out as you can see by one of the pictures below...hahahaha.

 We have been so busy this week that I was only able to fit in two workouts. I usually work out 4 times a week. Then this happened:
We had a teacher workday yesterday. I went to lunch at a yummy local place called The Red Shed with two of my co-workers. They are a sandwich shop that has desserts that are to die for! We couldn't decide what to order so we just ordered 4 desserts and shared them. Yum. I weigh myself once a week on Saturdays so I was not looking forward to weigh in today. However, I was shocked to see that I was 2 pounds lighter than last week. Maybe chasing after two kids made up for the 2 workouts I missed this week! I am 7 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight! Almost there! I am going to start taking Zumba again next week so I am hoping that will help as well.
I am off Monday for MLK day and am looking forward to spending lots of time with my little family. Kennedy is so much fun these days even though she is INTO everything so it can be a little exhausting. She is loving being in the toddler room at daycare and her vocabulary has really taken off since moving from the nursery to that room. We did have a really hard time getting her to adjust to sleeping on a napmat. Her teacher Ms. Stephanie told us that one of the days, Kennedy was laying on her mat with the biggest grin on her face saying over and over again "night-night, night-night" but wouldn't go to sleep, lol. Finally at the end of this week, she started napping on it. Thank goodness, because no nap or a 30 minute nap equals a very fussy toddler! I will leave you with this cutie!
Hope everyone has a great weekend and a fabulous week!



Royal @ Royal Proclaims said...

I wouldn't have turned those cakes down either! Holy cow!
Love the alligator pictures! Too cute!

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