Monday, January 27, 2014

Memoir Monday-Gender Reveal

Okay so I am totally stealing the idea of "Memoir Monday" from one of my favorite bloggers, Royal, over @ Royal Proclaims. If you haven't check out her blog do so today! She is one of those bloggers who will literally make you laugh out loud with her posts.

I am posting today about our gender reveal party because it was one of the best memories of my pregnancy with Kennedy. I know some people think gender reveal parties are cheesy but we had a blast with ours. I also felt like it was a great excuse to get together and celebrate my pregnancy. :)

We found out Kennedy was a girl on Thursday, June 28th, 2012 at our sonogram but we chose to have a party at our house on Saturday, June 30th so that we could tell our friends and family. It was very hard to keep the secret for 2 days. I know some people have the tech write down the gender in an envelope and are surprised at their party as well as their guests but Nick and I liked being able to enjoy that moment privately. After we found out Kennedy was a girl, we immediately went to Buy Buy Baby and Kid to Kid and bought a bunch of baby girl outfits. :)

Anyway, back to the party. We told our guests to dress in either blue or pink based on their guess of the gender. These pictures crack me up. Everyone, including myself, was so sure I was having a boy. Although I think a lot of the guys just didn't want to wear pink, hahaha. Grayson, who was 2 at the time, was the only male wearing pink! :)

 We played an Old Wives Tale game, which was a lot of fun. My bestie Megan had a list of questions that I answered referring to common Old Wives Tales. If my answer pointed to boy, one of the kids would put a blue sticky note up and if my answer pointed to girl, a pink one. We also did the "string test" and looked at the Chinese Gender Calendar. As you can see, most of the Old Wives tales did point to girl!
 Then we passed out the cupcakes, which were filled inside with pink frosting. At this point, I remember my mother in law saying she was still convinced it was a boy even though all the Old Wives Tales pointed to girl. We had everyone bite into their cupcake at the same time after a "1,2,3." As you can see though, a few people like my bestie Ashley and my sister in law Tina chose to cheat and stick their finger in the middle because they couldn't wait any longer, lol.

Ironically, the first people I heard to yell out "it's a girl!" were not only Ashley, but my mother in law, who had been so sure it was a boy! Everyone was so excited, my dad and my sister were crying and my friend Jessica who has two boys was jumping up and down!  It was such a fun day. I know gender reveal parties are not for everyone but we really enjoyed ours. Nick is not into the whole "couples shower" thing so this was also a great way for him to be able to celebrate our baby girl with family and friends. Besides hearing Kennedy's heartbeat for the first time, I think this was my favorite day of my pregnancy. It was filled with joy, laughter and excitement! :)


Royal @ Royal Proclaims said...

That sounds so fun! What a great way to celebrate the gender reveal!

And I may try to make this a link up!! Stay tuned!!

Carroll said...

What a wonderful celebration! I think gender reveal parties are so much fun. :)

Kaitlin Harrison said...

Awesome party!! It was one of my favorite days of the pregnancy too! And great idea blogging about a past event, I may "borrow" this ideas as well :)

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