Friday, January 24, 2014

5 on Friday

Even though it's been a not so good week, I am going to try to make the best of it by linking up with these fabulous ladies for 5 on Friday. Here's what's on my mind this week:
1. Kennedy and I have both been battling sickness this week. Kennedy was sick first. She started running a fever Saturday night and didn't go back to daycare until Wednesday. I started to run a fever Monday night. We were all home on Tuesday because I felt so sick I couldn't take care of Kennedy so Nick had to call in too. No bueno! Kennedy started to feel better Tuesday and so she went back to daycare on Wednesday. I pushed myself and went into work Wednesday.  Partly because I heard I had a really bad sub who was mean to the kids and didn't follow my plans at all. Bad idea. I felt AWFUL by the end of the day Wednesday so ended up relapsing and having to stay home Thursday again. I am finally starting to feel better so hoping the sickies have left our house.

2. On Monday night, I went and sat in on a Phi Mu meeting up at the college even though I wasn't feeling so good. The advisory council was presenting scholorship awards to the girls that had the top 3 GPA's for the semester and we also always treat them to dinner. I made the certificates and was a little upset because Nick failed to tell me that he used up all the black ink when he was printing his thesis for his masters. I reassured myself by saying that the pink showed up and that's the most important color. :) One of the girls posted a picture of her certificate on Facebook with a caption about how she had never really gotten very good grades but she had worked really hard this semester and how excited she was that her hard work paid off. She also said how honored she was to be recognized. This really warmed my heart and reminded me that a certificate like this is more about the person getting it and not the actual certificate itself. :)

3. Do you love weddings as much as I do??? My sorority sister Erin got engaged over Christmas break and they have set a date, December 6th! Nick and I were talking and we realized now we have 6 weddings to attend so far this year. My bestie Megan is getting married in March and so is our co-worker Callie, Nick's cousin Erin is getting married in June and my friends Molly and Cassie are both getting married in July. I am so excited!  It seems just like yesterday I was getting married, one of the best days ever!

4. I hate to complain again about the cold weather but I just don't like it.  I told Nick if we didn't have so many close friends and family here I would seriously consider living in Florida. Our school district doesn't allow us to take the kids out for recess if it's under 40 degrees, which my friends and family in Oregon think is hilarious. So, we have had a lot of the dreaded indoor recess this year. Is it March yet?????????????

5. Besides being sick,  Kennedy has had a great week. She brought home her first artwork from school and she now carries her own purse around like a big girl. She is definately "all girl." She has become really into dolls and loves the show "Sofia the First." In fact at Wal Mart, last weekend somehow a "Sofia the First" shirt ended up in our cart. Momma was so excited that Kennedy had picked out her first "outfit" that we of course had to buy. Lots more mommy/daughter shopping trips to come! I am trying to come to terms with the fact that I have a toddler, not a baby anymore. Love this little girl more than words can say!


Elise @ Her Heart and Home said...

Aahaha. Girl. As a former teacher, that ecard just made me lol. AMEN to that!!! xx

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