Sunday, October 27, 2013

Boo at the Zoo!

 We had a blast at Boo at the Zoo! Kennedy was one adorable Snow White! :) They had a lot of lights and some of the animals were out. I didn't get a good picture but we actually saw one of the kangaroos hopping around which was crazy because usually the kangaroos are sleeping when you go during the day. They also had a bunch of candy stops but we didn't get any candy for Kennedy because obviously she is not old enough to eat it. My MIL kept telling me we should get some and just eat it ourselves but I think that's kinda tacky. I always get annoyed when adults come to our house on Halloween and trick or treat.

It was really fun looking at everyone's costumes. We saw quite a lot of other Snow White's. My SIL Gretchen and I got a huge kick out of a mom and dad that were dressed as Teletubbies and their son was a lion...seemed very random to us. We told Nick and his brother Ben that next year we thought they should go as Teletubbies, hahahaha.  They weren't having it. Nick did like all the Duck Dynasty costumes! :)
Kennedy with her cousins, Lexie, Tabatha and Marley. We tried to get pictures of the cousins and this was about the best we could get. Kennedy is cutting her top two teeth so she was not in the best mood and Marley kept trying to escape!
 Our first Halloween as a family of 3. :)  I think next year Kennedy will enjoy it a little more because she will be almost 2! Can't believe she will be 11 months tomorrow! :)
How was your weekend???


Royal @ Royal Proclaims said...

An adorable Snow White! And Boo In the Zoo sounds awesome! I know they did that here in Greenville at the Zoo, but our little one had a stomach bug. :(
Happy 11 Months to Kennedy!!

Carol said...

Thanks! Oh man, the stomach bug is the worst! Thankfully Kennedy hasn't gotten it yet but a bunch of kids in her class at daycare have had it so we are crossing our fingers that she isn't next. Hope Milo is feeling better!

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