Friday, December 20, 2013

5 on Friday

1. I am way excited that I am officially on Christmas break. Seriously, December is such a wasted month for teachers. Everything you say to your students goes in one ear, out the other. I honestly feel like I am a babysitter, not a teacher for this month. No work for me until January 6th! I am looking forward to spending time with Kennedy, sleeping in (Kennedy sleeps until about 7:30, to me that's sleeping in) and enjoying Christmas with a toddler! Nick and I also want to get atleast one date night in over the break. :)
2. Work has been pretty fun this week though. We had our Secret Santa reveal party and I found out my Secret Santa is my principal, Mrs. Wilson! She was an awesome Secret Santa! This was my final gift, a cute chevron and hot pink Carolina shirt and a Kohls gift card. Kohls is my absolute fav place to shop so I can't wait to spend the gift card. I was our secretary, Viviana's Secret Santa. I got her a monogrammed jacket and some lotion from Bath and Body Works for her final gift. :)
3. We also had our annual Christmas program at school. Each grade level performs and I must say 4th grade stole the show this year with their "Duck Dynasty Christmas" dance. Loved it! My third graders were pretty awesome doing the "Santa Shake" too! However, the faculty and staff performance was amazing! We danced to "what does the reindeer say?" which is a parody of "what does the fox say?"  We had so much fun and the kids LOVED IT! That's my husband Nick as Santa at the beginning. He and our only other male teacher, Corey, of course had starring roles. :) The video is on Facebook. Check it out for a good laugh! See if you can find me, I am the girl with no rhythm in the "jingle group" bahahahaha.!/photo.php?v=10201794503681755&set=vb.1156745140&type=2&theater
4. OMG...Revenge and Nashville were sooooo good this past week. I cannot wait to see what happens on both of these shows!!!!!!!!! 

5.  So what has Kennedy been up to this week? Well she's cutting 4 teeth all at once...yay. They are all on top. Her two top front teeth she has been cutting for the past month. I am ready for them to just go ahead and drop all the way down! She actually hasn't been too fussy surprisingly. She is walking all over the place and loves the ugly Santa statue that we have by our Christmas tree so maybe our trip to see Santa today will go well. One can hope right?!?! I will leave you with this beautiful picture of her. It's one of my favorites from her 1 year old pictures and I have ordered it in an 8x10. Have a great weekend everyone and thanks for stopping by!



The White Family said...

{visiting from 5 on Friday} I love Revenge!! I still have not watched this week's episode but it is on my todo list for this weekend.

Carroll said...

Yay for Christmas break!! That photo of Kennedy is gorgeous! Merry Merry Christmas!! :)

Dawn said...

Sounds like a fun week!! And your school sounds like a fun place to be!:) Enjoy your Christmas break! Love Kennedy's picture-so sweet! Lily Caroline is getting a few teeth in now too...glad I have someone to commiserate with! It is no fun for baby...or mama! Merry Christmas friend!

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