Wednesday, November 6, 2013

So What!!!

Linking up with Shannon again for another "So What Wednesday"
Here's what I am saying "so what" to this week:
1. I got an extra planning period yesterday because my class had guidance. I spent half the time texting with my sister in law when I had a million things to do. It had been one of those days and I just need to unwind.
2. I watch Teen Mom 3. Trash, trash, trash but so entertaining. Love how Alex continues to leave her child unattended on table tops even after she fell off a chair on her head. Mom of the year! I saw in US Weekly that Mackenzie and Josh are married and have another kid on the way. I hope they do a spinoff show in a few years called 22 and Divorced. Leah from Teen Mom 2 can be on it too because I am sure she will be divorced a second time by then.
3. All of my pre-pregnancy dress pants for work fit EXCEPT the ones from Express. I don't think people that shop at Express have kids too often so I am not really worried about it.
4. People that OBSESS over the gender of their unborn child and get mad if they don't get the gender they want. This seriously irks me and I always seem to run across these idiots. Be happy you are able to have a child. There are many people out there who would love to be in your shoes and are struggling with infertility. Very selfish and insensitive. I can understand being privately a little disappointed but complaining and crying about it publicly is just ridiculous.
5. Daylight savings time. I was all nervous that Kennedy would be off schedule and have a hard time adjusting but she has done great!
What are you saying "so what" to this week?


Amanda said...

I have had such a hard time adjusting to the time change. I want to go to bed at 8pm every night, but it could also be because I'm 7 months pregnant!

Carol said...

Girl, it's probably because you are pregnant!!!! I went to bed at that time when I was pregnant too! :)

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