Friday, November 15, 2013

5 on Friday!

I missed this linkup last week. Too much going on! I sure am glad to be back this week! :) Here's what's going on in my world:
 1. We had these for dinner last night. I forgot to take a picture before we ate them so I stole this from online. They are called barbeque baskets and they are soooo easy to make! All you need is a roll of biscuits, hamburger meat, barbeque sauce and cheese. Cook your meat and coat it with barbeque sauce. Take a muffin tin and press the biscuit dough into it to make little baskets. Fill with meat and sprinkle cheese on top then pop in the oven for 20 minutes. Super yummy! I served with green beans.
 2. Abby's Ultimate Dance Competition finale is on Wednesday! Who are you cheering for? I am Team McKaylee! I think Kalani is a great dancer but it's been pretty clear to me that she doesn't care as much about the scholorship.
3. My assistant principal nominated me to head up the "Morale Boosters Committee" at school. Teachers have a lot on their plates with the new common core standards and morale has really been down lately. Our committee came up with a few things that we could do to boost morale at school and decided to name ourselves the SLUTS (Southern Ladies Up to Something.) One of the things we decided to do was decorate a Barbie very similar to the one above and put it in a box with a label that said "You have been tramp stamped. Pass me on to someone that you think has been doing a great job. Love, The SLUTS." We put the box in someone's mailbox in the sign in room. We thought it was hilarious and so did the first few people who received our Barbie. Everyone was going crazy trying to find out who the SLUTS were. Hahahaha. Unfortunately about the 4th person to get it didn't think it was so funny and went to our principal and said she was offended so we had to throw Barbie away. What do you think? Would you have been offended? Let me clarify that the Barbie was nowhere near students! Did we go too far? 

 4. My mom is coming to visit from Oregon next week for Kennedy's 1st birthday party. I am sooooo excited to see her. We haven't seen her since July when we went out to Portland. The picture above was taken when she and my stepdad came out to stay with us for two weeks when Kennedy was born. I can't believe this was almost a year ago and that Kennedy was ever that tiny! Time flies!
5. This sweet little girl will be 1 year old in less than 2 weeks. I can't believe it. She's also moving up to the toddler room at daycare in a few weeks. It goes by soooo fast. She is such a blessing and has filled our lives with so much joy.


Dawn said...

Your little lady is so cute- happy almost birthday! Have a great weekend!

Carol said...

Thanks Dawn! You too!

Mary Lytle said...

Hi, Carol--
Ran across your blog through Kelly's Korner. I taught in SC schools for 29 years, and I think you and your committee were doing a great job trying to raise morale. There always seems to be at least one Debbie Downer in every group to throw cold water on the fun. The way things are going in public education these days, if we can't find something to laugh about, we will end up in tears every day. Please don't get discouraged because of one complaint. Our whole nation is far too concerned about "offending" someone; it's unbelievable! Just because one person doesn't like something, it shouldn't mean everybody else has to suffer. Obviously, I'm from the old school, but I applaud your creativity, humor, and love for your school.


Carol said...

Thank you for your kind words Mary! You made me feel so much better. I have been teaching at the same school since I graduated in 2006 and I really do love my school. I hate seeing everyone so stressed out. We are doing a Secret Santa program starting next week so I am hoping that will help and that no one will get offended. You are so right. Everyone does get easily offended these days. Thanks for stopping by! You made my day!

Kaitlin Harrison said...

The BBQ Baskets have my husband's name written all over them. Cannot wait to try them! Kennedy is such a cutiepie! Looking forward to following along! :)

Carol said...

Thanks Kaitlin! Yes, do try them. They are sooo easy and soooo yummy!

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