Friday, July 19, 2013

Kennedy's 1st Zoo Trip!

Kennedy had a blast on her first trip to the zoo! She loved looking at all the animals and was so brave! She got to pet a giraffe and a goat, not to mention she was very up close to a turkey and a gorilla! She was not even phased. We had a blast and I can't wait to take her next summer when she's a toddler. Nick thought she was too young to go, but at the end of the day he said "you were right, she loved it!" Score! Not too often that my husband admits I am right! Here are some photos from our trip:
This is Mike the gorilla. One of the zookeepers was telling us that he and another gorilla had to be seperated because Mike basically attacked him and injured him. Yikes! Mike and Kennedy got along great though!

The kangaroo exhibit is fairly new at our zoo. I think it's been there about 2 years now. I am not a fan. The kangaroos are very lethargic and not fun to watch. The exhibit that used to be here was a seal exhibit which was awesome. I grew up in Columbia and I have a lot of fond memories watching the seals at the zoo as a child. It was always my favorite exhibit, especially at feeding time. There was also a polar bear exhibit that they got rid of too. :(
Kennedy was not afraid to pet the giraffe at all!

She loved the tunnel where she could look up and see all the fish!

Mommy is not a fan of birds so I was not thrilled about the turkey. Daddy likes to hunt turkeys so he was a little more excited.
We got home and Kennedy chilled out the rest of the day in her diaper and her hairbow. :) It was a hot day but atleast it was sunny. We have had so much rain it feels like we haven't really had a summer break so it was awesome to get some sunshine!


Holly G said...

Oh, how cute is she?! I love that you took her to the zoo! Our next big family vacation is going to be to San Diego and I can't wait to take my kids to the zoo there! :)

Carol said...

Thanks Holly! I have heard awesome things about the San Diego Zoo!

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