Tuesday, July 16, 2013

7 months= Many Milestones!

Kennedy has been up to A LOT this month:
*She is officially sitting up on her own with no support.
*She is cutting her 1st tooth!
*She is starting to crawl except she is going backwards!
*She took her first plane ride to visit Nana and Spike and all of Mommy's high school friends in Portland, Oregon. She did WONDERFUL on all of the flights. We flew from Columbia to Houston and then Houston to Portland. She drank bottles at take off, played with Sophie the Giraffe, ate puffs, read books with Mommy and slept!
*Aaaand the big one: She is finally sleeping through the night! It only took 2 nights of "crying it out." I had said I would never do that but I am glad we did. It was really hard but it was worth it. She goes down around 8:00 and sleeps until usually around 6:30.
On Thursday, we are completing another big milestone, first trip to the zoo! Nick thinks she is too young but I think she is going to love it. She loves animals, loves to be in her stroller and she loves to be outside. We are taking our 9 year old niece Lexie with us as well. Nick's sister Tina is a single mom and Lexie doesn't get to do a lot of things so we were happy to take her. She is great with Kennedy! Kennedy loves her so much. I think we will have a blast and I can't wait to post pics!



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