Monday, April 27, 2015

37 weeks, almost there!!!

I cannot believe that we are 3 weeks or less away from meeting our sweet baby boy! Here are some thoughts about 37 weeks:

1. I remember people warning me when I was pregnant with Kennedy that the last couple of weeks of pregnancy are "miserable." I never really felt that way with Kennedy. I was excited to meet her but I wasn't like "get this baby out of me right now!" I still don't feel quite that extreme with Mark but I do admit, I am more uncomfortable than I was at this stage with Kennedy. It's so odd because I know he's only a little bit bigger than Kennedy was but I feel HUGE and it's a lot harder to get comfortable when I am sitting down. I have also been having a lot more pressure and Braxton Hicks contractions than with Kennedy. So, needless to say, I am ready for him to be here.

2. It's looking like our induction date will be Monday, May 18th. I would love to go into labor naturally on my own but I highly doubt that will happen. I was never dilated at any of my appointments with Kennedy. I was absolutely ecstatic when I went in at 40 weeks 3 days to be induced and they told me I was 1 cm dilated, lol. I was not dilated at my 36 week appointment last week. My 37 week appointment is Wednesday.

3. I am hungry all the time! I can't get enough food!!!! Weight gain is now up to 35 pounds so it's looking like I will actually gain more this pregnancy than I did with Kennedy despite the fact that I was so sick the first trimester.

4. Last weekend we got the rock and play sleeper set up in our room and got out all the bottles, my breast pump and nursing supplies. We still need to install the car seat and I need to pack my bag for the hospital, that's on our "to do" list for this week.

5. Mark is still moving constantly, lots of big kicks and some rolls that can be painful at times but I am savoring every last one of them since this will probably be my last pregnancy.

6. Kennedy talks about Mark all the time! She is really excited. I really hope she stays this excited when he gets here!

7. We had another shower at work last week. We got so many cute clothes for him, he is going to be a very well dressed baby! We also got some things off our registry, swaddles, bottles, accessories for his crib and changing table etc...Oh and diapers, galore! Although I think we are going to end up exchanging some of them because we got a TON of size 1's.

Things are getting real........enjoying this time as a family of 3 but ready for him to get here!


Kelly Mock said...

Very close! I had Hallie at 37 weeks!

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