Monday, February 2, 2015


I must confess:

1. Potty training is frustrating me. My original plan for potty training Kennedy was to do it during spring break when I would be home for an entire week. However, her teachers at daycare kept telling us she was ready and that she was asking to be changed every time she went in her diaper. Over Martin Luther King weekend, we tried the "3 day potty training method" everyone swears by. By the end of the weekend we were pretty much trained as far as peeing in the potty but number 2 was a BIG NO and it still is. So, this makes it pretty much impossible for us to send her to daycare in underwear or wear underwear out and about. We didn't want to put her back in diapers so we have been doing pull-ups. The bad thing is sometimes at school she will be busy playing and not want to stop to go potty and she knows she can just go in the pull-up. I feel like in a sense the pull-ups are holding her back some. We have her in underwear at home and we don't even have to remind her to go, she will just run to the potty when she has to go. As far as the going number 2, I have no clue what to do about that. Sunday I noticed her squatting and when I tried to make her run to the potty, she began to hysterically scream and yell "no." I have heard not to force it, so I just let it go, but it sure isn't fun cleaning up poopy panties. I am trying not to stress about it though. We have been so lucky that every other transition/change we have done with Kennedy has gone super smooth. She went from a bottle to a sippy cup like a pro, easily gave up her paci a month before her 2nd birthday and transitioned to her toddler bed from crib and booster seat from high chair like nothing had even changed. So, we really can't complain. Hopefully she will be  potty trained by the time baby brother gets here in May.

2. I haven't watched the Oscars in several years but I am planning on watching it this year because American Sniper was seriously one of the best movies I have seen in a long time. If you haven't seen it yet, you are missing out! Bradley Cooper was amazing!

3. I have no desire to do my own nails.  It seems like EVERYONE is selling Jamberry nails or having a Jamberry nails party. My Facebook has been flooded with invites. My former student Ryleigh's mom Denise has been doing my nails for years. She only charges me 25 dollars (I get gel nails) and she has me in and out of her house in 30-45 minutes. I have heard the Jamberry nails are super easy to apply but tell that to someone who has more Pinterest fails than she can count. DIY is just not my thing.

4. Even though I am FAR from a UGA fan, I was super excited that wide receiver Michael Bennett came to share his testimony at our church last Sunday. He talked about how tearing his ACL has made him closer to God and gave a lot of insight on running towards Him and not away when things get tough. Very inspiring!



The Dorr Stop said...

We are supposed to start potty training on February 16th (they are moving into a new class at daycare that day and will start working with all of them). I am dreading it sooooo much!!! I just don't think Reagan is going to be one that is "easy." Good luck!!!

Susan S. said...

Yeah Nick needs to be potty trained by the summer for school, but I worry about the new baby throwing things off... hope he's ready and real good at it after she comes! :) Good luck to you guys.

Sarita @ it's my girls' world said...

I'm doing potty training as we speak--- 1 pee in the potty… like 2-3 on the floor!!!

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