Friday, January 16, 2015


What a week! TGIF!!!! I am linking up today for Oh Hey Friday and 5 On Friday, but completely forgot to include the buttons and I am posting from my phone. I blame this crazy week and pregnancy brain! I am sure there is a way to do this from my phone but I am technology challenged. Go to or if you want to link up!

1. Has the weather been awful where you live? It has been cold and rainy allllll week here which means two terrible words for teachers: indoor recess! Ugh....there's only so many days my students are entertained playing board games and watching movies instead of running around playing outside. I need that time outside as well! Being inside all day is just too much! Indoor recess does not allow them to get out the energy they need so they are extra talkative which makes for a long day. Rant over.

2. Monday night I stayed up way past my bedtime to cheer on my Ducks in the national championship. I finally gave up at 10:30, they just couldn't get it together. Sad night for us Ducks fans, we are so tired of being second! Thankful for a good season though! That same night, Kennedy woke up at 4:00 am burning up with fever. I stayed up with her until 6:00 am snuggling and cuddling on the couch. I hardly have any sick days left and have to save them for doctors appointments and my maternity leave in May so Nick stayed home and I went to work. It's never fun leaving your baby at home plus I was absolutely exhausted from only having 5 hours of sleep. Nick took her to the doctor and thankfully it was not the flu, just a viral infection that she got over in 24 hours.

3. Bachelor recap! funny was this week's episode? I do not like either of the Ashleys at all, but at least Ashley S. is entertaining! She had both Nick and I laughing hysterically. The way she acted during the paintball date was INSANE!  I am almost 100 percent positive Chris is just keeping her around because the producers are urging him to to due to ratings. The other Ashley, can't remember her last initial, but the one who looks like Princess Jasmine/Kim Kardashian  is just annoying. At first I thought "no way is she a virgin" but then after that disgusting/awkward makeout scene, I had second thoughts. That girl cannot kiss, ewww! She practically took his face off! She needs to go!  Still loving Kaitlyn and Whitney the best, although I have to agree with everyone on social media that Whitney's voice is incredibly annoying.  Also I thought her hair at the cocktail party was a hot mess, however it was soooo sweet what she did with the whiskey/special date that her hair didn't even matter!

4.. Need some mommy advice! When you are in social settings and another child does something that's not so nice to your child, what do you do? I always feel so awkward disciplining another person's child but I get so frustrated when other parents either aren't paying attention or don't do anything when their child acts that way. The most recent time, a child snatched a toy out of Kennedy's hands when she had just started playing with it. I just looked at Kennedy and said "I think she really wants a turn, so let's let her play with that." Kennedy looked at me like I was nuts at first like "seriously Mom, I just got this toy" but she did move on without a fit. Then, 5 minutes later the SAME child did the SAME thing with a different toy. Aaaah. I am not saying Kennedy is perfect but we have just been really lucky that she has been awesome with sharing so far thanks to daycare, church nursery and lots of playdates with cousins/friends. What does everyone else do in these situations? Do you just suck it up or do you say something to the other child?

5. Besides being sick, Kennedy has had a great week. She had a blast at her friend Evie's birthday party last weekend even though poor Evie was exhausted/cranky due to only taking a 45 minute nap that day. Brandi and Paul couldn't even get her to blow out her candles, so sad! We are so excited though because Brandi found out she is also having a boy! So fun because our boys will be close in age just like our girls which will make for great playdates! Little Miss Evie was not cooperating for pictures but I did manage to get this adorable shot of our friend Paisley and Kennedy at the party. I love Kennedy's smile in this picture, just wish she was looking at the camera!

It's been such a crazy week that I didn't even take a picture of my growing belly, oops, maybe next week. I am 22 weeks this week and feeling great! We go to the doctor today which I am super excited about, as always! I think the only time I actually enjoy going to the doctor is when I am pregnant.

The picture below showed up in my best friend Megan's timehop yesterday. I miss Kennedy being this tiny! I remember this picture because it was one of those weird but awesome winter days in the south where it was 80 degrees outside, which is why Kennedy is wearing a summer outfit in January. Wish we could get one of those days about now!

Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! We are off Monday due to Martin Luther King Day and I am excited for a much needed long weekend!


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