Friday, January 9, 2015

Friday Ramblings

You know what I like best about the 5 on Friday/Oh Hey Friday linkup? It allows me to be random and post about different things! It's always hard for me to dedicate a whole blog post to one entire topic unless it's a big event. Plus, I just love being random!
So, here we go!
1. Last Saturday, we had dinner at Jessica and Joe's. As usual, Kennedy and Janna had a total blast playing together. Aren't these little princesses adorable?

Joe grilled pork chops, Jessica made carrots and potatoes and I made Mix and Match Mama's Smores bars for dessert. I forgot to take a picture of the Smores bars but holy yum, they were so good! Very easy as well. I thought her pineapple bars were my favorite until I made these! Definitely check out her 100 bars.

2. Okay, before I dish on my picks for The Bachelor, let's talk about Andi and Josh's breakup! I am sorry but I have to say I totally saw this one coming. I think I am one of the few people that didn't care for Josh. I got such a player/cheater vibe off him and he seemed soooo fake! I love Andi and I really wish she had made a better decision. Even though Nick could be a jerk at times, they seemed to have really great chemistry. Wonder what would have happened if she chose him? I of course love Chris but I didn't see him and Andi together.

My picks for Chris are either Kaitlyn or Whitney. I know some people thought Kaitlyn was annoying but I thought she was funny! Even Nick laughed at her comment about "you can plow my field anytime!" Life's too short to be so serious. I do wish she would eat some cupcakes though....

I thought Whitney was very sweet and seemed genuine. I loved the fact that she was a fertility nurse and that she was a bit older than some of the other girls. I also love her bio statement that she's a terrible dancer, but that doesn't stop her. That is so me!

3. So I totally have to share a funny story from work this week. Our district superintendent came to tour our school and visit classrooms last Monday, the first day back from Christmas break! No one even knew she was coming. She and my principal walked into my classroom while we were doing literacy centers. I had a small group I was working with at my table doing a guided reading lesson on the Nooks. The rest of my students were actively engaged in their literacy centers. They walked around for a bit, observing what I was doing with the 3 kids I was working with and what the kids were doing in their centers. When they got over to the "making words" center, I heard our district superintendent start laughing. I just kept on working with my group. They slipped out of the room. The whole day I kept wondering what was so funny. Finally my principal told me at the end of the day that one of my students spelled "shit" with the letter tiles, lol. In his defense, one of our spelling words this week was "shirt" so I am pretty sure that's what he was trying to spell since he's not a bad kid. Luckily, the district superintendent thought it was hilarious. Whew! Again, life's too short to be serious and not have a good sense of humor!

4. Has it been cold this week where you are? We had temperatures this week down in the teens but with the wind chill it felt like 9 degrees outside! I know you northerners are probably thinking "so what!" but for us southerners that is super cold! I am just hoping we don't have another epic ice storm like last year. Again, I am not a fan of cold weather! Brrr...bring on spring!

5. So what has Kennedy been up to this week?

Hmmm let's see...trying to steal Mommy's pregnancy pillow!

Can't say I really blame her, it is so comfy!

Being her usual talkative bubbly self! This was taken when we got home from church last Sunday. She made a necklace in Sunday School that says "Kennedy is victorious in Jesus." She loved it and kept pointing to it and saying "Kennedy, Jesus!" I think victorious was a bit too big of a word, hehe.

I think she is also really starting to understand more that she has a baby brother on the way. Every night when we say our prayers we ask God to watch over Mommy, Daddy, Kennedy and Baby Mark. She has started to stay "baby brother, Mark, my baby brother" and then will ask to kiss my belly. It is the sweetest thing ever!

Speaking of Mark, my mom (Nana) sent him his first smocked outfit this week. Is it precious or what? Can't wait for him to wear it this fall!

Thanks for stopping by everyone! Have a great weekend!


The Dorr Stop said...

Happy Friday! I love Mix and Match Mama's recipes! I'm going to have to try those Smores bars! :)

Dawn said...

We are moving next week and I told my husband to make sure to set up the cable to come out so I don't miss the bachelor!! Lol :) I thought Andie and josh we're cute together but they seemed uncomfortable at the red carpet premiere. Happy Friday!!

Courtney [Sweet Turtle Soup] said...

I love the obsession with the bachelor. I've never seen it but people's comments are always good for a laugh. Do any of those matches ever work out?

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