Friday, May 16, 2014

5 on Friday

It's Friday! This has been another long and crazy week but I am excited to be linking up with these ladies again!

1. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for my dad. He has been making some good gains this week in physical therapy such as bending his leg at the knee and standing (with help) to brush his teeth. He also got approved for one of the top rehabilitation centers in the area so he will be going there after his hospital stay. Keep the prayers coming!

2. We had a graduation party last weekend at Nick's parents house to celebrate him getting his Masters Degree in Educational Administration and Leadership. We are so proud of him! Kennedy had a total blast swimming in Grandma and Paw-Paw's pool and playing with her cousins Lexie, Marley and Tabatha and good friends, Payton and Grayson. I wish I had gotten a picture of all the kids together but they were nonstop on the go!

3. Can I please share 1 thing I am not loving and 1 thing I am loving? Okay here's what I am not loving! These Special K cracker chips taste like seasoned cardboard. Yuck.

What I am loving are these:

Do you own Palazzo pants? My birthday present from Nick was a shopping trip at the mall and I bought my second pair. They are so comfy and so cute! I know a lot of people that don't care for them but I don't care! I hope they stay "in style" awhile longer. Dressy pants that feel like pajama pants that I can wear to work? Yes please!
4. My Mother's Day was fabulous! I woke up to a pancake breakfast, a sweet card and a gift certificate for a massage that I can't wait to use. Although I am super jealous of all you mommies that got perfectly posed pictures. This one was the best we could get and then we had an epic toddler meltdown because we wanted to go play in the front yard instead of getting in the car for church. They had a photographer at church and he snapped a couple of pictures of us, so hopefully they turned out decent. They should be uploaded next week. After church, we came home and relaxed, perfect day. My present from Kennedy was an adorable fan that has her handprints in the folds. Her teacher, Mrs. Angie, is so creative!

5. What has Kennedy been up to lately? Playing outside ALL the time! She had a blast 2 weekends ago at her cousins birthday party and wanted to do everything the big kids were doing. Nick and I finally caved and bought her a step 2 playhouse for the backyard but with everything going on,  we have not had time to set it up. I think my brother in law Jon is going to try to come this weekend and help Nick out. New words lately? "puppy" (very odd because we don't have a dog) "MOOOO" (points to cow and says this) "EAT" (says this and points to her high chair) and "Paw-Paw", which Nick's dad was very excited about!

I hope everyone has a great weekend! I am super excited for tomorrow night, which is my 30th birthday party with friends!


The Dorr Stop said...

Happy belated birthday!!!

So how do you like the puddle jumper for Kennedy? I've been wanting to get something like that for Reagan, but the box says 30lbs and up and she's only like 23 pounds right now. Wasn't sure if it would still work? Kennedy is adorable as always! :)

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