Happy Friday everyone!
1. Our biggest event this week was that Kennedy turned 18 months! Or as her daddy likes to say "one and a half." Nick thinks the whole "months thing" is ridiculous once they get over 1. I think I am still going to stick with it when people ask how old she is until she gets closer to 2 and then I will probably just say "she will be 2 in November" when people ask.
Kennedy and Daddy had a ton of fun doing yard work this week. Kennedy loves to help, so Daddy was excited that she wanted to help pull weeds.
I couldn't help it, we had to take a picture in the chair!
Catching up on some reading at the pediatician's office for her 18 month check up. ;) The doctor said Kennedy is doing great! She is still a very big girl, 97th percentile for weight and 94th percentile for height. Nick and I were guessing she weighed about 30 pounds but surprisingly she only weighs 28 pounds, just a little over a pound more than her 15 month check up. She has been feeling so heavy lately and outgrew her 18 month clothes very quickly so we just assumed she had put on a few more pounds. She is wearing 24 month and 2T clothing and we have moved up to a size 5 diaper!
I hope we aren't the only ones that the living room has turned into "the toy room!"
Our little swimsuit model over Memorial Day weekend.
2. This picture was "Throwback Thursday" on Facebook yesterday. This is me and my parents about two months before they divorced, right before my 3rd birthday. Taking it waaaay back this week! Thank you for everyone who has been praying for my dad. He is currently in a great rehabilitation center and although he is still not walking, he is making good gains in physical therapy. I went to see him Sunday after church and we had a really good visit. He was in much better spirits than the last time I saw him.
3. Speaking of social media, I think I am the only person in the world that doesn't have an Instagram or a Twitter account. I have had a few blog followers saw they have tried to find me on Instagram...sorry! Find me on Facebook!
4. We are a hosting a Phi Mu alumnae cookout at our house on Sunday so we have been doing some major cleaning! As you can probably tell from my pictures, I am not one of those people that has an immaculate clean house. It's hard when you work full time and have a toddler. Anyways, while cleaning Kennedy's room, I found some of her old Avent "Soothie" pacifiers that she wore until she was about 6 months. *Cue baby fever* She is getting so big!!! We are still going to wait a little longer before we start trying again but those definately brought back a lot of memories and emotions!
5. This week has been absolutely insane at work. I am the chair of the morning news team and the co-chair of the Accelerated Reader program so I had two end of the year celebrations to put on, plus my class readers theater production, Not to mention I had to work on MEMORIAL DAY! It was a make up day from the ice storm. 8 out of my 18 students showed up. Such a great use of instructional time....not. I don't blame parents for not sending their kids! The last day of school is June 5th, so I only have 4 days to go! Thank goodness! I had a great class this year and I am really going to miss them but I am ready to relax and spend time with my baby girl! Bring on summer and being a SAHM for awhile!
Go link up with Darci, Christina, Natasha and April to join in on the 5 on Friday fun!