Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Buck or Doe? Soon, we will know!

Tomorrow is the big day! We have our gender sonogram at 3:00! On Saturday we are having our gender reveal, so I will try to do a post on Sunday or Monday with all the details! Most of the Old Wives Tales are pointing to boy but I have a few people who are adamant that I am having another girl and they are usually good gender predictors so we shall see! Either way, we will be ecstatic! I would love to have one of each and for Nick to have a hunting/fishing buddy but I love being a girl mom! The picture below is the theme we are going with for our gender reveal! We are having our guests dress in red or green.
Here are some other tidbits about 18 weeks pregnant:
*Despite being tired, I feel great! I had a milkshake from the Steak and Shake on Sunday night and it was AMAZING! Yay for having my sweet tooth back! Still craving more salty foods but I am glad I can actually eat sweets without being sick.
*I am in all maternity pants, some maternity tops.
*Kennedy used to flip flop between saying she wanted a brother and then saying she wanted a sister. The past week, anytime we ask, she always says "a sister!"
*Nick and I have finally come to a consensus on the boy name, hallelujah!
* I am feeling lots of flutters and small jabs and kicks but Nick still has not been able to feel from the outside.
And just for fun, here's a comparison of 19 weeks pregnant with Kennedy (I couldn't find my 18 week pic) and 18 weeks pregnant with baby #2:

So, what's your prediction??? Buck or Doe???


Sarita @ it's my girls' world said...

Hmmmmmmm.... I'll go eith buck. Just cause . Great idea for a party though:)

Dawn said...

Oooohh- I can't wait to find out! :)

Carol said...

Me either Dawn!

Carol said...

Thanks Sarita!

Courtney said...

Oh man! I'm the worst at guessing and I feel like you, I have NO idea what to expect. Happy either way for sure, but super super excited to find out!!

I can't wait to hear!

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