Sunday, September 14, 2014

5 Movies That Never Fail to Make me Cry

Today was a very lazy Sunday. It was rainy most of the day. After we came home from church, we put Kennedy down for her nap. Nick started sorting our outdoor Halloween decorations and I started watching one of my favorite movies of all time, A League of Their Own. Such a hilarious, feel good movie. "Are you crying? Are you crying? There's no crying! There's no crying in baseball!!!"
It's a funny movie but it's also an emotional movie. It doesn't matter how many times I watch it, I always cry ugly tears when the telegram comes for Betty Spaghetti that says her husband died in the war. There are several movies like this for me. I have watched them all 100 times or more and I cry every single time.
Fried Green Tomatoes is another one of those feel good movies for me. One minute, I am laughing at the crazy antics that Evelyn Couch is getting into ("Towanda!" "Face it girls, I'm older and I have more insurance.") and the next minute I am sobbing. I think the most emotional part for me is of course when Buddy gets run over by the train and hearing Iggie scream and cry out for him. I also always cry when Ruth dies and when Evelyn thinks that Mrs. Threadgood (Iggie) has died.

Oh my goodness. The Patriot. I cry so many times in this movie it's ridiculous.I cry when both of Mel Gibson's sons die, I cry when they burn down the church, I cry at the end when Mel Gibson is waving the American flag. The part I cry the hardest at is when his youngest daughter runs after him saying "Papa, don't go! I'll say whatever you want just please don't go." I am getting choked up just typing this! Such a good movie and so many good facts about the Revolutionary War in South Carolina.

My Girl is another classic movie that I just adore but is emotional. The funeral scene gets me every single time. "Where are his glasses! He can't see without his glasses!"

Last but not least, Legends of the Fall. Absolutely love this movie. It's just such a good story. I remember the first time I saw it, I didn't want it to end. However, the part that makes me cry the hardest is not the part you would probably guess. I definately get a little choked up when Samuel dies and when Isabella Two dies but the part that really gets me is the end when Alfred comes from the back of the house and shoots the bad guys that are about to kill his brother and father. Something about the soundtrack during that scene and how everything happens in slow motion and then just the fact that Alfred was the black sheep of the family but then saves the day. It just gets to me. I cry every time.

What movies never fail to make you cry?


Kelly Mock said...

I'm with you on My Girl! Omg!

Courtney B said...

Oh my gosh, I'm a little ashamed to admit that the only movie I've seen in your list is the Patriot! Looks like Eric and I will be playing catch up this week and watching these!

Courtney said...

Truthfully, I hated Legends Of The Fall. I think maybe it was too over-hyped by the time I finally saw it? I don't know.

But the other four? YES YES YES. Cry like a baby. Totally.

I also cry my head off in Anne Of Green Gables, PS I Love You, Les Mis, and anything baby related.

Carol said...

Yes you defintely need to watch!!!!

Susan S. said...

Oh My Girl... it's been years, but it's so good! Might have to watch this weekend.

Sarita @ it's my girls' world said...

Would you believe that I've only seen My Girl (love it) out of this entire list....#shameful

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